Transformation is normally triggered by disruption on account of new technological innovations,

new products and service innovations. The basic survival of the company calls for transformation.

The cost of not transforming is severe.

Thus, transforming an organization is essentially creating a new vision to create a new future of the

organization. It just boils down to creating new attitudes in people and in particular among the

senior and top management. To be innovative and open the new rules of the game, the

management needs to confront their own ignorance about the “what we don’t know” and expand

their horizon by putting learning on the top of their priority list. The organization needs to create

learning opportunities by creating a facilitative environment to acquire new knowledge, share it

across and allow people to seek new knowledge and skills from wherever they can get it. They also

need to create an ecosystem of learning across the levels of management and employees to help

them move their organization ahead.

In sum, we cannot transform organizations with yesterdays mindset and knowledge base.

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